Uckfield Foodbank is operating DELIVERIES ONLY for September 2023.  Centre is closed for the month.

A client’s Story

Our client recently wrote to us allowing us to share her story as follows.

Until 6 months ago Theresa would occasionally put a packet of pasta into the Uckfield Foodbank collection basket at a local supermarket.  She recently had a change of personal circumstances which left her with no money and homeless.  In her words all she had was the clothes she stood up in. Thanks to the foodbank plus other local helping organisations, she is rebuilding her life. Here is what she wrote as a thank you:

“The foodbank has saved me! I still need to buy fresh food but they provide the essentials to live on. The staff are amazing – unobtrusive but will sit and talk to you if you need it. Until you actually have no money you cannot ever understand the value of the foodbank! Without it, I would have no breakfast or lunch and a minimum tea. Well done to everyone who works there – I cannot praise them enough. (Client name has been changed at her request)