If you are struggling to feed yourself and/or your family then we are here to help.
You can request a voucher for our foodbank from a number of different agencies in the town. Many clients start with Citizens Advice as they are able to look at various circumstances and advise around Universal Credit. Other agencies include social services, health visitors, The Meads and Bird in Eye surgeries, housing officers, ESCC (including Children’s Services) and most local primary schools.
When you have received a voucher number then you come to our distribution centre to collect the food parcel. Please bring your own bags. Whilst at the centre you will be able to choose from various extra items – toiletries, washing tablets, cleaning items, cat/dog food and sanitary items. Not all the items are always available as it depends on what we have had donated but we try to accomodate everyone’s needs.
We look forward to welcoming you.